Where Can I Find a Qualified Vendor if an Emergency Arises?

In the event of a mechanical emergency, promptly finding a qualified vendor to handle the repair is essential to getting production schedules back on track in a reasonable amount of time. While original equipment manufacturers (OEM) may be able to get the part needed, independent facilities can offer quality solutions in a fraction of the time and frequently at a reduced rate. 

There are many reliable industrial equipment repair services that specialize in customer and emergency services that can provide excellent assistance and warranties on their parts. When looking for a qualified vendor in an emergency, keep an eye out for highly-rated businesses that offer warrantied parts and services in your area. Many dependable companies offer nationwide services and can accommodate emergency repair no matter the location. Other valuable resources are local hydraulic repair shops and teams offering construction equipment repair.

How Can I Quickly get Heavy Equipment Fixed in a Pinch?

Defective heavy machinery can not only slow down production schedules but halt it altogether. When equipment breaks down in the middle of a job, a quick response is vital to move projects forward.

Without a backup machine, time is of the essence, and a local or mobile service may be a time-saving option to handle equipment repairs. Not only will an independent repair shop avoid the maintenance fees associated with an OEM, but will target breakdown causes faster with repairs done on-site by locally employed technicians. 

Independent service shops can offer faster labor, lower prices, and increased access to reliable replacement parts. If using the OEM, specialty parts may need to be tracked down and will likely be hard to find within a short timeframe. Independent shops can speed up the repair process by offering a warehouse of options in quality parts and components in stock instead of shipping pieces from an equipment manufacturer. With a customized fit to each machine, a locally sourced replacement part efficiently gets equipment back up and operating!


What Type of Experience Does my Vendor Have Working on Construction Equipment?

Working with heavy machinery requires a high level of expertise that skilled workers are trained to handle. Ensuring that a vendor has the required knowledge to provide equipment repairs is essential for both worksite safety and mechanical longevity.

Many industrial equipment repair businesses have impressive reputations that champion safety, efficiency, and most importantly propriety while repairing heavy machinery. When deciding on a local industrial equipment repair service, be sure to consider the reviews and reputation of the provider to avoid any unnecessary headaches. 

Is it Worth Using a 3rd-Party Vendor Over the OEM?

So, who is more reliable when immediate assistance is needed: a 3rd party vendor, or the original equipment manufacturer? 

While OEM repair options may seem like a reliable option for sudden breakdowns, taking this route may significantly increase the time equipment spends in the shop. When emergencies arise, and a quick repair is needed in a short time frame, an independent facility will likely have the skilled labor and the quality parts to offer the best solution to put heavy equipment back to work. 

Need help finding the right hydraulic parts?

At Yarbrough Industries, we have a large selection of hydraulic products and offer diagnostic, testing, repair, and replacement services to help get your operations back up and running in no time.

If you use and maintain hydraulic equipment on a regular basis, you’ve more than likely found yourself running into a repair job that could have been easily fixed if you or your technicians had the right parts on hand. 

Instead, you’ve probably found yourself scrambling to find a vendor with the right part(s) in stock, rush ordering, and holding onto hope they’re able to get it to you sooner than later. Sound familiar?

While storing an excess of hydraulic spare parts does not make a whole lot of sense, having the right ones to keep your equipment up and running plays a big role in having an effective maintenance plan. But where do you start?

Here is a closer look at how to effectively manage your part inventory and what hydraulic parts you may want to keep around in case a machine goes down. 

Analyze & Identify Hydraulic Parts

One of the toughest challenges of managing an effective part inventory is having the right type of parts available when you’re troubleshooting your system and have to stop production.

Knowing your machinery and which parts are critical to its operations is the first step in creating an effective spare part inventory. This can include having everything from extra cylinders, pumps, and motors to extra valves, hoses, seals, and even o-rings. 

So how do you figure out which parts you should keep handy? 

To get a good idea, you should begin by analyzing past equipment and part data. Everything from past maintenance records, inventory adjustments, purchase orders, and downtime logs will provide invaluable insight into what spare parts will be the most beneficial and economical to have available at a moment’s notice. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to talk to your maintenance technicians and purchasing agents to see if they have any further insight or recommendations based on their experience with the equipment. 

Having this information will help you better forecast and identify exactly what type of parts to have on hand in case a machine’s hydraulic system fails

Here are a few spare hydraulic parts and components we recommend keeping in stock: 

  • Pumps
  • Hoses
  • Valves
  • Filters
  • Cylinders
  • Belts
  • Gaskets
  • Actuators
  • Fan Motors
  • Seals and O-rings

Remember, it is often more cost-effective to repair old hydraulic parts and keep them as spares than it is buying new ones. If you have old broken parts lying around, working with an experienced hydraulic repair technician can help you salvage them so they’re good as new and ready to use. 

Not sure whether to repair, rebuild or buy new hydraulic equipment? Check out this article we wrote. 

Maintain Your Hydraulic Part Inventory

If you have a solid maintenance plan in place and are taking care of your hydraulic equipment on a regular basis, ideally spare parts should not have to be used too often. However, as the saying goes – it’s better to be over-prepared than under. 

That said, you don’t want a cluttered inventory full of unnecessary spares taking up space. 

To manage your part inventory and help determine the most economical quantity of parts to order there is a formula known as the Economic Order Quantity Formula (EOQ).

The EOQ Formula can help you prevent both loss and waste in your inventory by calculating an annual order quantity that minimizes costs and maximizes your order efficiency. You can find out more about the EOQ Formula here

EOQ Formula

Here is a simplified example:

Annual Demand: 200 units
Order cost: $5.00
Holding Cost: $1.25
Calculated Order Amount = 40 units

While having a formula is helpful, there is no equation that will help you maintain a perfect inventory at all times. There are too many variables and unforeseen circumstances that come with maintenance and repairs. That’s where having a reliable hydraulics vendor comes into play. 

A reliable vendor will effectively help you manage your part inventory by understanding your equipment needs, help you save time and money, and be able to get you out of a pinch when circumstances call for it. 

When it comes to hydraulics, a reliable vendor should have hydraulic repair experience and a diverse inventory of products available. They should be able to supply you with a wide variety of high-pressure hydraulic products, including pumps, cylinders, valves, clamping components, and also any related hydraulic products, including pneumatic and lubrication products.

Overall, maintaining the proper inventory of spare hydraulic parts can be the difference between extensive unscheduled downtime or same-day repairs. Analyzing and identifying these parts, keeping up on routine maintenance, managing your inventory, and having a reliable go-to hydraulic shop will all help you speed up repair times, minimize downtime, and eliminate excessive costs when equipment goes down. 

Need help finding the right hydraulic parts?

At Yarbrough Industries, we have a large selection of hydraulic products and offer diagnostic, testing, repair, and replacement services to help get your operations back up and running in no time.

Whether you work for a large manufacturing company or a smaller facility, if you are responsible for overseeing machine and equipment maintenance, you know how important it is to keep costs down and reduce unscheduled downtime.

Luckily there are a few ways you can minimize equipment service and control repair costs. Here is a closer look at six maintenance cost-reduction strategies you can use.

Monitor Expenses

Monitor Machine Maintenance Expenses

Keeping track of how much you’ve spent on labor, parts, and supplies for specific machines over time will help you determine machines and equipment that cost the most money to operate and maintain. If you find there are machines in need of frequent repair, then you have the information available to make an informed decision when it comes to repairing or replacing.

 If you’re at a loss, a skilled engineer or maintenance technician can help troubleshoot the underlying problem and take corrective action.


Create Maintenance Schedules

Create Preventative Maintenance Schedules

While not all equipment breakdowns or repairs are predictable, having a routine preventative maintenance schedule can help keep them minimized by keeping machines operating at their best.

Routine maintenance should involve inspecting various equipment components and ensuring machines are up to the manufacturer’s specifications.You can use the owner’s manual to help create preventative maintenance schedules and stay on top of inspections and routine service.

When it comes to creating preventative maintenance schedules, consider basing them on operating hours rather than on a calendar. Usage times will vary by machine, meaning you could be over or under-servicing your equipment based on actual hours. You can determine if you need to decrease or increase service intervals by periodically reviewing the results.


Spend Your Budget Wisely

Spend Maintenance Budget Wisely

Between repairing or replacing a piece of equipment? A good rule of thumb is to weigh repair costs against your machine’s residual value (what you’d get if you sold it today). If repairs cost more than the machine is worth, apply your money toward a new machine with better technology that will last longer. 

When it comes time to replace a piece of equipment, keep in mind investing in a lower-priced machine may end up costing you more in the long run. While higher-quality machines may cost more upfront, they typically require less maintenance work overall if maintained.


Optimize Equipment and Parts

Optimize Spare Machine Parts

One of the best ways to keep machine maintenance costs down is to develop a strategy to buy and organize spare parts. If you don’t have spare parts such as hydraulic pumps or hoses in stock, then you run the risk of increasing your average repair time.

Aside from keeping an adequate supply of spare parts handy, it helps to ensure there is a degree of similarity between your machines so you can use them interchangeably. Having the same parts fit many machines is cost-efficient and makes it easier to receive technical assistance from either the manufacturer or a professional service technician.

When it comes to purchasing parts, keep in mind ordering parts in bulk will allow you to negotiate better prices.


Train Your Machine Operators

Train Maintenance Staff

In addition to training maintenance supervisors and mechanics on equipment, educating your operators can help keep costs down.

Since operators work directly with the equipment, they are in an ideal position to help identify potential problems and perform more common maintenance tasks such as inspection and lubrication. By training non-maintenance staff, you will have fewer periods of unscheduled downtime and avoid expensive and time-consuming repairs.


Contact Qualified Service Technicians

Call Qualified Service Technicians

While having a reliable in-house maintenance staff is ideal, the skills to maintain or repair certain pieces of equipment properly will vary. If a machine goes down, trial and error can be an expensive way to learn how to repair your equipment.

If maintenance or repair seems questionable, make sure to contact qualified technicians trained with the right skills and practices needed to minimize unplanned downtime and repair costs. This will save a lot of headaches and unnecessary costs down the road. 

Need assistance with your machine maintenance or equipment repair?

Our expert technicians provide mobile on-site repair to help get your operations back up and running in no time. 

When you own a business, it’s imperative that you do everything you can to ensure it remains profitable. In many cases, installing equipment such as a pallet dispenser can help you do exactly that. However, many people who run warehouses and manufacturing facilities that make use of pallets don’t know of the benefits that they can derive from utilizing pallet dispensers. Since they don’t realize the financial benefits, they don’t think investing in them is a good idea. The truth is, something as simple as installing a pallet dispenser is almost guaranteed to increase profitability in your facility. Some of the ways you might see a financial impact are:

Reduced Damage to the Pallets

When you have to keep replacing damaged pallets, it can really start to eat away at your profit margins. Everything deteriorates over time and pallets are no different. When they are used regularly or used to lift items that are too heavy, it can cause damage sooner than typical wear and tear. Most of the time, breakage occurs when the pallets are being accessed for the first time in order to be used. Installing a pallet dispenser is effective in reducing such damage since it makes access to the pallets a lot easier.

Storing pallets incorrectly often leads to damage as well, so it’s also important to note that pallet dispensers also function as storage facilities. This means that when you put the pallets in them, you are unlikely to end up having to deal with issues such as the pallets being damaged due to improper storage. They are usually stacked in an orderly manner within the dispensers, which reduces the risk of damage.

Increased Efficiency

Time is money and pallet dispensers are proof of that. By installing pallet dispensers, you immediately reduce the amount of time it takes to find and use a pallet in your warehouse or facility. Obviously, depending on the type of system you used previously, this improvement may end up reducing the amount of time needed to do this drastically. Even if it doesn’t seem like much, when added up, it will translate to a lot of time saved. The cumulative effect is that the entire facility will operate more efficiently, which always ends with more profits. This is especially so when you are dealing with time-sensitive businesses, such as the movement of perishable goods.

Reduced Risk of Injury

Workplace injuries are commonly associated with pallets. When the process of picking up the pallets is not done in an orderly manner, it can easily lead to staff members sustaining injuries of various kinds. When you have a pallet dispenser, this concern can be alleviated considerably. By ensuring that all the pallets are in a central position, you create a more orderly, and easier way to retrieve them. You will therefore not have to spend money and time on the medical issues that arise from accidents in such a setting.

It’s obvious that there are a lot of financial benefits to using a pallet dispenser in such a setting. However, it’s important to note that the benefit you can reap from the products depends on a number of factors including:

  • The quality of your pallet dispensers: If you want to get the most out of the devices, always make sure that you insist on buying high-quality ones. These might cost you a bit more than the regular ones, but they will last longer and sometimes be more practical, which more than makes up for this. Besides, careful shopping will allow you to identify high-quality dispensers that are not that much more expensive than the regular ones, which means that you will get a lot more value for money from them and they will last you for years into the future.
  • Proper installation: One of the factors that will influence the performance of the pallet dispenser is how you install it. Make sure that you always consult a professional in doing this, so that the risk of making installation errors is minimized. Even better still, you could opt to have the vendor do the installation. This way, in case of any problems, you can simply refer to your warranty to have the repairs done if it’s allowed.

In summary, if you run a facility such as a warehouse in manufacturing or distribution, where you use such pallets widely, installing the dispenser is likely to be a very good idea. It helps you streamline the operations of the facility, and ensures that you do get very good value for money from the decision. The best thing about them is that once installed, you will rarely have to spend a lot of money on them.

Yarbrough Industries Pal-O-Matic Automatic Pallet Dispenser is one of the best on the market. It automatically dispenses and holds pallets captive for easy retrieval with a pallet jack and it is made with the sturdiest materials. If you are interested in seeing how a Pal-O-Matic Pallet Dispenser could impact your facility’s production,

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Many businesses use hydraulic systems in their day-to-day operations. Reducing downtime is critical, so repairing and replacing hydraulic hoses and fittings needs to be as efficient as possible. This can be challenging, especially when a hydraulic system has unusual metrics or non-standard hoses and fittings. A great resource for businesses is a hydraulic hose fitting technician service with mobile and custom solutions.

Common Hydraulic Hose and Fitting Problems:

Pressure and temperature variations make hydraulic systems susceptible to damage and failure. The SAE‘s commons reasons for this include things such as:

  • flexing the hose to less than the specified minimum bend radius
  • twisting, pulling, kinking, crushing, or abrading the hose
  • operating the hydraulic system above maximum or below minimum temperature
  • exposing the hose to rapid transient rises (surges) in pressure above the maximum operating pressure

It also stated that “intermixing hose, fittings, or assembly equipment not recommended as compatible by the manufacturer or not following the manufacturer’s instructions for fabricating hose assemblies” could cause damage or failure.

Whether your hose is damaged from wear, an accident, or misapplication, it’s a guarantee that your hydraulic hoses and fittings will need repair and replacement periodically. Obviously, repairs can turn into costly downtime for you if they aren’t done in the most efficient manner possible.

What to Look for in a Hydraulic Hose Fitting Technician Service

Whether you run a small or large operation, if you use hydraulic systems, you will need a hydraulic hose fitting technician service. Preventative maintenance and industry standards for application will let you prolong the life of hydraulic hoses and fittings. Eventually, however, you’ll need or want the help of an expert technician to fix hydraulic hoses, fittings, and quick couplers. When you encounter this, it’s important to have a technician that fits your needs in mind to be sure daily operations continue with as little downtime as possible.

Peak efficiency enhances productivity and makes things run smoothly. A quality hydraulic hose fitting technician service can help you accomplish these goals and maintain operational continuity when related problems occur.

Why Mobile Services?

When you are looking for a hydraulic hose fitting service, you can gauge effectiveness in large part by their mobile service capabilities. The more they can accomplish on-site the better, especially for businesses trying to reduce downtime due to hydraulic system repair.

Although many services offer 24/7 emergency repair, they often fail to repair or replace damaged hydraulic hoses and fittings on-site on the first visit. This may be because the mobile units don’t have expanded storage capabilities or custom fabrication capabilities. Whatever the reason, the result is costly downtime for businesses.

The key is finding a hydraulic hose fitting technician service that has expanded mobile storage and custom fabrication capabilities. Here at Yarbrough Industries, we offer both for residents of Springfield, MO and the surrounding region.

Wherever you are located, carefully consider who you hire as your hydraulic hose fitting technician service. If the service has mobile capabilities like Yarbrough Industries, you’ll benefit from expanded service capabilities and reduce costly hydraulic system downtime.

Fixing Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings Efficiently

You have to fix hydraulic hoses and fittings quickly and effectively in order to maintain continuity with business operations. Industries using hydraulic systems have different needs and expectations with their equipment. However, everyone shares a common objective of being productive and when hoses and fittings are fixed or replaced quickly and effectively, you will meet this objective.

A primary hindrance you’ll face is solving the complexities involved with repairing hoses and fittings. There are over 16 different hose types, three layers of construction (tube, reinforcement, cover), a multitude of fittings, and multiple manufacturers to choose from. Adding in SAE standards that aren’t enforced, unusual metrics, non-standard hoses and fittings, and various industry settings, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Solving these complexities is what businesses want their hydraulic hose fitting technician service to accomplish. It’s even better when it is a quick and effective service on the first visit using expanded mobile capabilities. For local businesses located in the southwest Missouri area, this means contacting Yarbrough Industries to repair, upgrade, and maintain all your hydraulic hose fitting needs

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Whether you are in a warehouse, distribution center, or other manufacturing facilities, it is inevitable that you will have pallets for material handling or storing equipment. Although they are generally user-friendly and simple, improper stacking of materials can bring troubles and unforeseen accidents. These might include worker injuries, product damages or property destruction. There are some simple rules that should be followed while stacking pallets. These are also imperative in order for your company to be in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), although this is not a complete list. 

Pallet Stacking: A Quick Guide

Stacking pallets properly not only saves space but also helps eliminate tripping and collision hazards. It helps with organization efficiency as it can also help categorize your goods. By organizing effectively, you, in turn, ease the material storage and transportation activities. 

Stacking pallets carelessly or overly high can lead to collapse, causing injuries or death to those in their vicinity. Here are several measures that can enhance safety and efficiency when it comes to stacking pallets.

  • Ensure that the pallets are durable enough to carry the loads required. It is also important that the pallets are undamaged. 
  • Never stack products with sharp corners or edges on pallets in a way that they could injure people coming near them.
  • Tie any boxed items securely. This can be done with cross-ties or shrink plastic fiber. 
  • Metal pallets should be stored in a clean place and have no protruding nails, holes, splinters, or loose boards.
  • Position your pallets securely to avoid collapsing or sliding when stacking goods on them.
  • Avoid keeping stacked pallets in high-traffic areas.
  • You can stack pallets up to 15 feet high. However, regulations vary based on the type of goods you store on them. 
  • Always stack product on both sides of the pallet. Even distribution is critical for material handling and safety. 
  • If you must stack different products, always stack similar items with uniform size and shape together. 
  • Never overstack a pallet, even if it seems as though there is still room for stacking at its rated capacity. 
  • Always stack the heaviest load at the bottom of the pallet.
  • Maintain sufficient clearance around stacks. This ensures safe handling and easy access.
  • Provide ergonomics training and task-specific training to ensure proper stacking, and utilize a pallet dispenser if available.
  • Never stack goods where they obstruct lighting, electrical panels, or ventilation.
  • It is not advisable to manually lift heavily stacked pallets per OSHA regulations, instead, use a forklift or automated pallet dispenser for lifting.

There are more safety practices that have been formulated by OSHA, and following these practices, as basic as they are, helps prevent damage to life and property. 

If you are interested in learning more about saving your company time and money through safer pallet procedures, please contact Yarbrough Industries today. 

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When you need to hire a machine shop, it’s important to work with someone you can trust to get the job done right the first time. Working with a local company makes this much more likely. But why?

A local machine shop offers several advantages. When you are weighing your options, consider the following benefits of working with someone in your own backyard and what you should look for when doing so:

    • You can be more specific: Clear communication and detailed specifics are essential to getting the end result you desire. Being able to deliver this information in person allows you to make sure your parameters are accurately conveyed and your machine shop understands exactly what you need. You can specify the tolerances needed and work with the local company to achieve accurate measurements and optimal results. 
    • You can make roughness smooth: An important aspect of your project is determining the desired roughness of the surface. Do you want smooth components, with a very polished surface? This depends greatly on the functionality of the parts. A local professional can explain how the roughness will affect the performance of your equipment and work with you to decide what roughness is best for your project.
    • You can choose wisely: The materials you use for your manufacturing affect the final durability and performance. It also greatly affects the cost of production. Your local machine shop will review your options with you and let you personally examine various materials to determine which is best. You may even be able to look at similar products the shop has made in the past to make an informed comparison.
    • You can enjoy savings: A local shop can save you both time and money. Enjoy a smaller budget by saving on delivery costs. Complete your project faster by cutting out delivery wait times. By working with someone local, you won’t be wondering where your parts are in transit or when the project will be completed.
    • You can be involved: When you work with a local machine shop, you can be actively involved in the manufacturing process. This will provide peace of mind and a better overall experience with production.
    • You can complete the process: Once the machine shop has designed and manufactured your piece, they can also install it. It is typically easier for the same professionals who created the part to also perform the installation. Working with someone local makes this possible.
    • You can help your community: Obviously, we all want to do what we can to ensure that the community we live in is becoming better every year. Working with a local business helps your own community and you know that they will provide reliable, timely service to keep their reputation spotless.

Shop local with Yarbrough Industries! You’ll enjoy the advantages of working with a local machine shop right here in the heart of the Ozarks while receiving the best quality from some of the top professionals in the industry. Reach out to us today with any questions or to get started on your next project.

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When you need someone to do an on-site mobile repair, using an authorized service center is the best route. Not only will it save you time and money, but it can also give you the peace of mind that your equipment will be better performing and will run for longer. Several facets go into a great mobile repair unit, including the utilization of trained service technicians, genuine service parts, and factory warranties. Here are some factors you should look at when choosing the mobile service unit to help your company. 

1. Trained Service Technicians

When you look at a company to repair your equipment, one of the first things you should research is what type of training their technicians have had. Ideally, they will be factory trained, as well as having specific training through their business. It is also helpful if they are certified to perform quality repairs and rebuilds just like the manufacturer. 

2. Certified Parts Dealer 

By choosing a company that sells, services, and inventories genuine manufacturer’s service parts, you can determine the quality and durability of the parts that will be used when replacing or repairing your machinery are second to none. Generally, this will also mean that the technicians must follow factory-approved rework specifications as well.

3. Factory Warranty

Typically, quality and reputable repair companies will offer a warranty that is the same or similar to that of the manufacturer(s) they carry. Looking for this when you are choosing the mobile company to do your onsite service can offer huge cost savings. Look into the warranties to guarantee the best fit for your company and equipment. 

4. Short Lead Time

When you need someone on-site, it is typically because you are already short on time. When you are looking for the right company to do those repairs, they should compete with new unit lead time. Most hydraulic repair shops stock the most commonly used service parts, allowing factory-quality component repair and rebuild to be performed in as little as two weeks. 

If you are looking for a company that can meet all your specifications and get you up and running in no time, call Yarbrough Industries today.

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Many people ask how a pallet dispenser would benefit their industry or organization. Because of the versatile industries, Yarbrough works with, we have put together a few reasons anyone can benefit from purchasing a pallet dispenser.

1. Streamlined Productivity

Enhancing a high-production work environment can be as simple as having all of your machines and products in the right place. With high-quality pallet dispensers from Yarbrough Industries, you are able to integrate your product lines without skipping a beat. Each Pal-O-Matic Pallet dispenser is custom-made for industrial applications, giving you the opportunity to allocate time and resources toward other critical production areas while knowing your pallets will be where they need to be.

Some productivity benefits of pallet dispensers include:

  1. Elimination of manual pallet handling

  2. Reduction of employee injuries due to removal of manual pallet handling

  3. Increased production while minimizing time and labor involvement

  4. Minimal floor space used for storage and staging for pallet stacks

  5. Minimal pallet damage

  6. Stand-alone models offer simple stacking and dispensing


2. Seamless Integration

At Yarbrough Industries, every solution we offer you is geared toward improving workflow for smooth, efficient product integration. We recognize how difficult it can be to find technology that simultaneously keeps operating costs at a manageable price while also increasing productivity. 

  1. Problematic labor replacement, including the elimination of repetitive motion risks while allowing stacking of square and stable loads to full height to minimize freight costs.

  2. Compact, mobile footprint fits into existing tight spaces, typically taking up only as much or on occasion, less space as what you are already using for manual palletizing.

  3. Modular flexibility to dramatically minimize hassle and ensure optimal time for customer projects.

  4. Financial incentives are realized in as little as one year. Having a pallet dispenser can dramatically lower certain costs for 1-shift, 2-shift, and 3-shift operations.


3. Increased Production

One of the hardest parts of improving the performance of your facility is finding the right technology to fit your space, budget, and production requirements. With Pal-O-Matic Pallet Dispensers, you’ll be able to perform at an exceedingly high level without disrupting the area you operate in while staying within budget. Replacing cost-increasing inefficient manual labor with the Pal-O-Matic Pallet Dispenser makes work easier and safer while letting you keep more of your money—It is our job at Yarbrough Industries to continually find exciting ways to make your production easier. With our high-quality automated pallet dispenser, we’ve done just that.

Contact us to find out how we can make things simpler for your facility.

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This industry moves fast, but you can move even faster if you’re up to date on trends, technical developments, and best practices. The Yarbrough Industries blog is a go-to source for valuable, timely and detailed information. Sign up to ensure that you don’t miss a single post.


There are many choices when you are looking for a metal fabricator that has the capabilities and services you need for your next project. But how do you determine which one will be the best fit for you? What is important to look for? What sets one company apart from the rest?

These are the characteristics that will help you distinguish between a competent fabricator and an exceptional metal fabrication partner.

1. Experience Matters

A company with years of experience under their belts will have the knowledge to help you make strategic decisions regarding product design and fabrication needs. When you partner with an experienced company, you will be backed by the knowledge and expertise of people who can make the best recommendations while keeping them realistic. They can guide you in everything from structural aesthetics to functionality.

2. Invested in Your Success

When choosing a partner for your metal fabrication needs, you should look for someone who is personally invested in your success, beginning to end.  When you have a partner who has watched your product evolve and helped refine your designs, they will be far more invested in creating an effective product. Effectual product design begins with an expert partner who can guide you through the entire product development cycle.

3. Innovation is Imperative

The way a company approaches a new project can set them apart when you are looking for the right fit. A company with an innovative approach to projects will stand out from the commoditized competition by differentiating itself through value-driven fabrication. No matter if you are looking for a simple consultation on product development or needing full metal fabrication project management, the partner you choose should constantly evaluate the product’s functionality, cost-effectiveness and structural integrity. 

4. Cost-Consciousness

The company you choose to partner with should have a proactive cost avoidance approach. Avoiding unseen costs due to scope creep is important as you work through your project. It is a common occurrence for metal fabrication products, so identifying a fabrication partner that will help you reduce material, assembly and shipping costs, as well as holding and handling costs, a ballooning scope—and bill—can be avoided. To be successful, it is critical that your fabrication partner commits to understanding all aspects of your supply chain operations.

5. Multiple Material Suppliers

When a metal fabricator buys from multiple suppliers, they are able to negotiate for material prices and products on your behalf and to your benefit. Having multiple suppliers also means they can buy, ship, store and process the steel in-house, which helps considerably when you need high-volume projects and achieving economies of scale. multiple suppliers, they are able to source materials that best suit your application. The flexibility to purchase large quantities at reduced prices OR specialty material for your non-typical project means you will get exactly what you need at the best possible rate.  

Choosing the best metal fabrication partner is critical to the overall strength of your business. By taking the time to identify and partner with a strategic, useful, all-in-one metal fabricator, you’ll notice a difference in production cost, effectiveness and efficiency. Don’t settle for anything short of first-class service and reliability.

Yarbrough Industries is here to provide the experience and service you need to ensure your project’s success. 

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