Did you know that workplace injuries cost U.S. businesses $171 billion in 2019? That’s a staggering amount of money, time, and resources wasted on preventable accidents and illnesses. Not to mention the pain, suffering, and loss of productivity that workers have to endure. If you want to avoid becoming a statistic, you need to take action now. In this article, we will show you 10 ways how to limit workplace injuries in 2024 and beyond. These are proven and practical tips that will help you create a safer and healthier work environment for yourself and your colleagues. Whether you work in an office, a factory, or a construction site, these tips will help you reduce the risk of injuries, such as cuts, burns, falls, strains, or sprains. You will also learn how to use protection equipment, conduct regular inspections, and educate employees. By following these tips, you will not only save money, but also improve the quality and efficiency of your work, and boost the morale and satisfaction of your workers. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Read on and discover how to limit workplace injuries in 2024.

1. Provide protection equipment

One of the most basic and essential ways to prevent workplace injuries is to provide adequate protection equipment for your employees. This includes items such as gloves, helmets, goggles, masks, earplugs, boots, and vests. Protection equipment can protect workers from various hazards, such as cuts, burns, falls, noise, dust, chemicals, and radiation.

Protection equipment should be suitable for the specific tasks and risks involved in your work. For example, if you work with electricity, you should wear insulated gloves and boots. If you work with hazardous substances, you should wear a respirator and a protective suit. Protection equipment should also be comfortable, well-fitting, and easy to use.

You should also ensure that your employees are trained on how to use and maintain their protection equipment properly. You should also inspect and replace any damaged or worn-out equipment regularly. By providing protection equipment, you can reduce the chances of injuries and illnesses among your workers.

Welder Welding Blue Sparks

2. Don’t take shortcuts

Another common cause of workplace injuries is taking shortcuts or skipping steps in the work process. This can happen when workers are under pressure, in a hurry, or trying to save time or effort. However, taking shortcuts can compromise the quality and safety of the work, and expose workers to unnecessary risks.

For example, if you are working on a ladder, you should always secure it properly and use both hands to climb up and down. If you try to save time by carrying tools or materials in one hand, you may lose your balance and fall. If you are working with machinery, you should always follow the instructions and procedures, and never bypass the safety features or guards. If you try to save effort by ignoring the warnings or signs, you may cause damage or injury to yourself or others.

Therefore, you should always follow the rules and standards of your work, and avoid taking shortcuts or skipping steps. You should also plan your work ahead, prioritize your tasks, and manage your time effectively. By doing so, you can ensure that your work is done correctly and safely, and avoid unnecessary accidents and injuries.


3. Inspect and maintain all company vehicles

If your work involves driving or operating company vehicles, such as cars, trucks, forklifts, or cranes, you should always inspect and maintain them regularly. This can help you prevent mechanical failures, malfunctions, or breakdowns that can cause accidents or injuries on the road or at the workplace.

Before you use any company vehicle, you should check its condition and functionality, such as the tires, brakes, lights, mirrors, seat belts, horn, and fuel. You should also report any problems or defects to your supervisor or mechanic, and get them fixed as soon as possible. You should also follow the maintenance schedule and service records of your vehicle, and keep them up to date.

Additionally, you should always drive or operate your vehicle safely and responsibly, following the traffic laws and regulations, and the company policies and procedures. You should also wear your seat belt, avoid distractions, and adjust your speed and distance according to the weather and road conditions. By inspecting and maintaining your company vehicles, you can ensure their safety and reliability, and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.

4. Keep an orderly workplace

A cluttered, messy, or disorganized workplace can also contribute to workplace injuries. Clutter can create tripping, slipping, or falling hazards, block exits or pathways, or interfere with the operation of equipment or machinery. A mess can also attract pests, rodents, or insects, or cause fire, explosion, or contamination hazards. Disorganization can also affect the efficiency, productivity, and quality of the work, and cause stress, frustration, or confusion among workers.

Therefore, you should always keep your workplace orderly, clean, and organized. You should store, label, and dispose of your tools, materials, and waste properly, and avoid leaving them on the floor, on the desk, or in the way. You should also arrange your furniture, equipment, and machinery in a way that maximizes the space and minimizes obstruction. You should also follow the 5S methodology, which stands for Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. This is a system that helps you organize your workplace in a logical and efficient manner, and maintain it consistently.
By keeping an orderly workplace, you can improve the safety, hygiene, and appearance of your work environment, and prevent or eliminate many potential hazards and injuries.

5. Educate employees

Education is another key factor in preventing workplace injuries. Education can help workers acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are necessary for performing their work safely and effectively. Education can also help workers understand the risks and consequences of their work, and the benefits and importance of following the safety rules and practices.

Education can take various forms, such as training, orientation, coaching, mentoring, or feedback. Education should be relevant, practical, and engaging, and tailored to the specific needs and levels of the workers. Education should also be ongoing, regular, and updated, and cover topics such as the company’s safety policies and procedures, the proper use and maintenance of equipment and machinery, the identification and reporting of hazards and incidents, the emergency preparedness and response, and the first aid and medical care.
By educating your employees, you can increase their awareness, competence, and confidence, and empower them to take responsibility for their own safety and health, and that of their co-workers.

Operating a mechanical vacuum Lifter

6. Conduct pre-employment physicals

Pre-employment physicals are medical examinations that are conducted before hiring new employees, or transferring existing employees to new positions or tasks. The purpose of pre-employment physicals is to assess the physical and mental fitness of the workers, and to determine whether they are suitable and capable of performing the work that they are assigned to.

Pre-employment physicals can help prevent workplace injuries by screening out workers who may have existing health conditions, disabilities, or impairments that may affect their performance or safety, or that may be aggravated by the work. Pre-employment physicals can also help identify workers who may need special accommodations, modifications, or assistance to perform their work safely and effectively.

Pre-employment physicals should be conducted by qualified and licensed medical professionals, and follow the legal and ethical standards and guidelines. Pre-employment physicals should also be relevant, fair, and consistent, and based on the specific requirements and demands of the work. Pre-employment physicals should also respect the privacy and confidentiality of the workers, and only disclose the information that is necessary and relevant for the hiring or transfer decision.

By conducting pre-employment physicals, you can ensure that your workers are physically and mentally fit for the work, and reduce the risk of injuries, illnesses, or complications.

7. Encourage reporting of safety concerns

Reporting of safety concerns is another important way to prevent workplace injuries. Safety concerns are any issues, problems, or situations that may pose a threat or harm to the safety and health of the workers or the workplace. Safety concerns can include hazards, incidents, injuries, illnesses, near misses, violations, or suggestions.

Reporting of safety concerns can help prevent workplace injuries by alerting the management, the supervisors, or the safety committee of the potential or actual risks, and allowing them to take corrective or preventive actions. Reporting of safety concerns can also help identify the root causes, patterns, or trends of the safety issues, and enable them to implement improvements or changes. Reporting of safety concerns can also help create a culture of safety, where workers are aware, involved, and proactive in ensuring their own safety and that of their co-workers.

To encourage reporting of safety concerns, you should provide easy, accessible, and confidential ways for your workers to report their safety concerns, such as online forms, phone lines, suggestion boxes, or meetings. You should also provide positive feedback, recognition, or rewards for your workers who report their safety concerns, and avoid any negative consequences, such as blame, punishment, or retaliation. You should also follow up on the reported safety concerns, and communicate the actions taken, the results achieved, and the lessons learned.

By encouraging reporting of safety concerns, you can increase the visibility, awareness, and responsiveness of the safety issues, and prevent or reduce the occurrence and severity of workplace injuries.

8. Provide proper lighting

Proper lighting is another essential factor in preventing workplace injuries. Proper lighting can help workers see clearly, work comfortably, and avoid errors or mistakes. Proper lighting can also help workers avoid eye strain, fatigue, headaches, or mood swings.

9. Conduct regular inspections

Regular inspections are another effective way to prevent workplace injuries. Regular inspections are systematic and periodic checks of the workplace, equipment, machinery, tools, materials, and processes, to identify and evaluate any hazards, defects, or non-compliances. Regular inspections can help prevent workplace injuries by detecting and correcting any unsafe or unhealthy conditions, before they cause accidents or injuries.

Regular inspections should be conducted by qualified and trained personnel, such as safety officers, supervisors, or external auditors. Regular inspections should also follow the established standards and criteria, and use appropriate tools and methods, such as checklists, meters, or cameras. Regular inspections should also be documented and reported, and include the findings, recommendations, and actions taken.

Additionally, you should also involve your employees in the inspection process, and encourage them to participate, observe, or provide feedback. You should also communicate the results and outcomes of the inspections to your employees, and recognize or reward their contributions. By conducting regular inspections, you can ensure that your workplace meets the safety and health requirements, and prevent or eliminate any potential hazards and injuries.

10. Use a pallet dispenser

A pallet dispenser is a device that automatically dispenses pallets from a stack, and delivers them to a conveyor belt, a forklift, or a worker. A pallet dispenser can help prevent workplace injuries by reducing the manual handling and lifting of pallets, which can cause back, neck, or shoulder injuries, or strains or sprains. A pallet dispenser can also help prevent pallet-related injuries, such as cuts, splinters, or nails, or tripping, slipping, or falling over pallets.

A pallet dispenser can also improve the efficiency, productivity, and quality of the work, by saving time, space, and labor, and ensuring the availability and consistency of pallets. A pallet dispenser can also reduce the waste, damage, or loss of pallets, and lower the maintenance and repair costs.

To use a pallet dispenser, you should choose the right type, size, and capacity of the pallet dispenser, according to the specifications and needs of your work. You should also install and operate the pallet dispenser safely and correctly, following the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines. You should also maintain and service the pallet dispenser regularly, and inspect and replace any worn-out or faulty parts. By using a pallet dispenser, you can enhance the safety and performance of your work, and prevent or reduce workplace injuries.

Bonus. Address ergonomic issues

Ergonomic issues are another common cause of workplace injuries. Ergonomic issues are any factors that affect the fit, comfort, and efficiency of the work, such as the design, layout, and arrangement of the workplace, equipment, furniture, and tools, or the posture, movement, and force of the workers. Ergonomic issues can cause musculoskeletal disorders, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, or bursitis, or repetitive stress injuries, such as eye strain, headaches, or fatigue.

To address ergonomic issues, you should conduct an ergonomic assessment, which is an evaluation of the physical and mental demands and conditions of the work, and the capabilities and limitations of the workers. You should also implement ergonomic solutions, which are improvements or changes that can reduce or eliminate the ergonomic issues, such as adjusting the height, angle, or distance of the monitor, keyboard, or chair, or providing ergonomic accessories, such as wrist rests, footrests, or lumbar supports.

Furthermore, you should also educate your employees on the importance and benefits of ergonomics, and train them on how to adopt proper ergonomic practices, such as maintaining a neutral posture, taking frequent breaks, stretching, or exercising. By addressing ergonomic issues, you can improve the comfort, health, and well-being of your workers thereby preventing or reducing workplace injuries.


Workplace injuries are a serious and costly problem that can affect the safety, health, and well-being of your workers and your organization. However, workplace injuries can be prevented or reduced by implementing some simple and effective measures, such as providing protection equipment, educating employees, and conducting regular inspections. By following these 10 ways, you can create a safer and healthier work environment for yourself and your colleagues, and enjoy the benefits of a happier, productive, and successful workplace.


Ready to talk to a warehouse safety expert?

When you own a business, it’s imperative that you do everything you can to ensure it remains profitable. In many cases, installing equipment such as a pallet dispenser can help you do exactly that. However, many people who run warehouses and manufacturing facilities that make use of pallets don’t know of the benefits that they can derive from utilizing pallet dispensers. Since they don’t realize the financial benefits, they don’t think investing in them is a good idea. The truth is, something as simple as installing a pallet dispenser is almost guaranteed to increase profitability in your facility. Some of the ways you might see a financial impact are:

Reduced Damage to the Pallets

When you have to keep replacing damaged pallets, it can really start to eat away at your profit margins. Everything deteriorates over time and pallets are no different. When they are used regularly or used to lift items that are too heavy, it can cause damage sooner than typical wear and tear. Most of the time, breakage occurs when the pallets are being accessed for the first time in order to be used. Installing a pallet dispenser is effective in reducing such damage since it makes access to the pallets a lot easier.

Storing pallets incorrectly often leads to damage as well, so it’s also important to note that pallet dispensers also function as storage facilities. This means that when you put the pallets in them, you are unlikely to end up having to deal with issues such as the pallets being damaged due to improper storage. They are usually stacked in an orderly manner within the dispensers, which reduces the risk of damage.

Increased Efficiency

Time is money and pallet dispensers are proof of that. By installing pallet dispensers, you immediately reduce the amount of time it takes to find and use a pallet in your warehouse or facility. Obviously, depending on the type of system you used previously, this improvement may end up reducing the amount of time needed to do this drastically. Even if it doesn’t seem like much, when added up, it will translate to a lot of time saved. The cumulative effect is that the entire facility will operate more efficiently, which always ends with more profits. This is especially so when you are dealing with time-sensitive businesses, such as the movement of perishable goods.

Reduced Risk of Injury

Workplace injuries are commonly associated with pallets. When the process of picking up the pallets is not done in an orderly manner, it can easily lead to staff members sustaining injuries of various kinds. When you have a pallet dispenser, this concern can be alleviated considerably. By ensuring that all the pallets are in a central position, you create a more orderly, and easier way to retrieve them. You will therefore not have to spend money and time on the medical issues that arise from accidents in such a setting.

It’s obvious that there are a lot of financial benefits to using a pallet dispenser in such a setting. However, it’s important to note that the benefit you can reap from the products depends on a number of factors including:

  • The quality of your pallet dispensers: If you want to get the most out of the devices, always make sure that you insist on buying high-quality ones. These might cost you a bit more than the regular ones, but they will last longer and sometimes be more practical, which more than makes up for this. Besides, careful shopping will allow you to identify high-quality dispensers that are not that much more expensive than the regular ones, which means that you will get a lot more value for money from them and they will last you for years into the future.
  • Proper installation: One of the factors that will influence the performance of the pallet dispenser is how you install it. Make sure that you always consult a professional in doing this, so that the risk of making installation errors is minimized. Even better still, you could opt to have the vendor do the installation. This way, in case of any problems, you can simply refer to your warranty to have the repairs done if it’s allowed.

In summary, if you run a facility such as a warehouse in manufacturing or distribution, where you use such pallets widely, installing the dispenser is likely to be a very good idea. It helps you streamline the operations of the facility, and ensures that you do get very good value for money from the decision. The best thing about them is that once installed, you will rarely have to spend a lot of money on them.

Yarbrough Industries Pal-O-Matic Automatic Pallet Dispenser is one of the best on the market. It automatically dispenses and holds pallets captive for easy retrieval with a pallet jack and it is made with the sturdiest materials. If you are interested in seeing how a Pal-O-Matic Pallet Dispenser could impact your facility’s production,

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Material Handling is a necessary part of most manufacturing processes. It involves lifting, moving, and dumping products, ingredients or different components. Although a lot of material handling equipment is still powered by humans, such as carts and dollies, there is also a component that relies heavily on hydraulic-powered equipment. Hydraulics can improve safety, function and power in material handling equipment. In fact, hydraulics make much of the material handling machinery you currently know possible. Even the smallest production or distribution facilities use hydraulic power.

Pallet Jacks

Pallet jacks are the perfect example. Shipments are strapped to pallets when they are too large for humans to lift and carry independently. The simplest pallet jack is able to lift and move the wooden skids around using a hydraulic bottle jack. Although it is often considered a human-powered cart, it can lift anywhere up to 5,000lbs or more due to the incredible power of the hydraulic system.

That isn’t the only part powered by hydraulics, however. The pallet jack employs a single-acting bottle jack mounted atop the pivoting steering wheels. A lever remotely operates the two-position valve within the handle, and when flipped forward allows pumping action to occur. The simple up and down reciprocating action of the handle sends fluid into the ram, lifting the pallet a few inches off the ground to facilitate easy transport. Many variations of the pallet jack provide a full selection balancing price with productivity. Some units employ electrically driven hydraulic pumps for easy and rapid lift, while others gain electric wheel drive to aid operators with heavy loads.

Fork Truck

Oftentimes, a manufacturing or distribution center will have a storage system that towers over where a simple pallet jack could reach. When this is the case, it is inevitable that a fork truck is part of the equation. A small fork truck, called a stacker, is able to do higher lifting because they use hydraulic levers or electronic joysticks, and their short profile allows the stacker to fit into tight spaces. Stackers do tend to have more limitations in both height and weight capacity, when compared to the forklift, however.

Fork Lift

Forklifts are where you see hydraulics begin to proliferate. Where a pallet jack has a single bottle jack, your forklift never runs with less than three hydraulic functions. What many people don’t realize is that a forklift that only allows for up and down motion would be a tremendous challenge. In order to make stacking pallets a little easier in the hard-to-see, hard-to-reach places, a forklift must also have a side-shift cylinder to move the lift laterally.

Bin Tipper

Bin tippers also use hydraulic cylinders to lift, tilt and dump the contents of bins using a fork truck. This means the hydraulics must be able to move the mast angle forward or backward to place pallets and remove them, as well as maintaining the center of gravity.

Hydrostatic Transmission

For those more fortunate, we can add another dimension to the forklift with a hydrostatic transmission. This provides both forward and reverse operation by tilting the control mechanism in one direction or the other. A pump powers the wheel motor in either direction in a smooth, controlled fashion. This is especially helpful when it comes to high capacity forklifts.

There are many more places you might find hydraulic power within your facility. When you take a moment to look around, I am sure you can place several. Hydraulic fluid power is the perfect partner in a material handling environment. Whether you are handling pallets or working with a custom manufactured product, every manufacturing, distribution and industrial environment can benefit from hydraulics. 

Keeping your equipment in working order is imperative for success in your industry. Yarbrough Industries so our expert technicians can get you up and going in no time.

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Whether you are in a warehouse, distribution center, or other manufacturing facilities, it is inevitable that you will have pallets for material handling or storing equipment. Although they are generally user-friendly and simple, improper stacking of materials can bring troubles and unforeseen accidents. These might include worker injuries, product damages or property destruction. There are some simple rules that should be followed while stacking pallets. These are also imperative in order for your company to be in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), although this is not a complete list. 

Pallet Stacking: A Quick Guide

Stacking pallets properly not only saves space but also helps eliminate tripping and collision hazards. It helps with organization efficiency as it can also help categorize your goods. By organizing effectively, you, in turn, ease the material storage and transportation activities. 

Stacking pallets carelessly or overly high can lead to collapse, causing injuries or death to those in their vicinity. Here are several measures that can enhance safety and efficiency when it comes to stacking pallets.

  • Ensure that the pallets are durable enough to carry the loads required. It is also important that the pallets are undamaged. 
  • Never stack products with sharp corners or edges on pallets in a way that they could injure people coming near them.
  • Tie any boxed items securely. This can be done with cross-ties or shrink plastic fiber. 
  • Metal pallets should be stored in a clean place and have no protruding nails, holes, splinters, or loose boards.
  • Position your pallets securely to avoid collapsing or sliding when stacking goods on them.
  • Avoid keeping stacked pallets in high-traffic areas.
  • You can stack pallets up to 15 feet high. However, regulations vary based on the type of goods you store on them. 
  • Always stack product on both sides of the pallet. Even distribution is critical for material handling and safety. 
  • If you must stack different products, always stack similar items with uniform size and shape together. 
  • Never overstack a pallet, even if it seems as though there is still room for stacking at its rated capacity. 
  • Always stack the heaviest load at the bottom of the pallet.
  • Maintain sufficient clearance around stacks. This ensures safe handling and easy access.
  • Provide ergonomics training and task-specific training to ensure proper stacking, and utilize a pallet dispenser if available.
  • Never stack goods where they obstruct lighting, electrical panels, or ventilation.
  • It is not advisable to manually lift heavily stacked pallets per OSHA regulations, instead, use a forklift or automated pallet dispenser for lifting.

There are more safety practices that have been formulated by OSHA, and following these practices, as basic as they are, helps prevent damage to life and property. 

If you are interested in learning more about saving your company time and money through safer pallet procedures, please contact Yarbrough Industries today. 

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Many people ask how a pallet dispenser would benefit their industry or organization. Because of the versatile industries, Yarbrough works with, we have put together a few reasons anyone can benefit from purchasing a pallet dispenser.

1. Streamlined Productivity

Enhancing a high-production work environment can be as simple as having all of your machines and products in the right place. With high-quality pallet dispensers from Yarbrough Industries, you are able to integrate your product lines without skipping a beat. Each Pal-O-Matic Pallet dispenser is custom-made for industrial applications, giving you the opportunity to allocate time and resources toward other critical production areas while knowing your pallets will be where they need to be.

Some productivity benefits of pallet dispensers include:

  1. Elimination of manual pallet handling

  2. Reduction of employee injuries due to removal of manual pallet handling

  3. Increased production while minimizing time and labor involvement

  4. Minimal floor space used for storage and staging for pallet stacks

  5. Minimal pallet damage

  6. Stand-alone models offer simple stacking and dispensing


2. Seamless Integration

At Yarbrough Industries, every solution we offer you is geared toward improving workflow for smooth, efficient product integration. We recognize how difficult it can be to find technology that simultaneously keeps operating costs at a manageable price while also increasing productivity. 

  1. Problematic labor replacement, including the elimination of repetitive motion risks while allowing stacking of square and stable loads to full height to minimize freight costs.

  2. Compact, mobile footprint fits into existing tight spaces, typically taking up only as much or on occasion, less space as what you are already using for manual palletizing.

  3. Modular flexibility to dramatically minimize hassle and ensure optimal time for customer projects.

  4. Financial incentives are realized in as little as one year. Having a pallet dispenser can dramatically lower certain costs for 1-shift, 2-shift, and 3-shift operations.


3. Increased Production

One of the hardest parts of improving the performance of your facility is finding the right technology to fit your space, budget, and production requirements. With Pal-O-Matic Pallet Dispensers, you’ll be able to perform at an exceedingly high level without disrupting the area you operate in while staying within budget. Replacing cost-increasing inefficient manual labor with the Pal-O-Matic Pallet Dispenser makes work easier and safer while letting you keep more of your money—It is our job at Yarbrough Industries to continually find exciting ways to make your production easier. With our high-quality automated pallet dispenser, we’ve done just that.

Contact us to find out how we can make things simpler for your facility.

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